A-AN | B-BI | BO-BU | C-CO | CO-DR | DU-GE | GO-HE | HE-KE | KE-Mc | Mc-NA | NI-PO | PO-RE | RE-SH | SH-SO | ST-TR | TU-VA | VA-WI | WI-ZE Order |
Author/Title year condition comments Price Goldin, Stephen The Eternity Brigade 1980 good 1.00 Goulart, Ron Spacehawk, Inc 1974 fair 2.00 What's become of Screwloose 1971 fair Short stories 1.00 Shaggy Planet 1973 good 2.00 Nemo 1977 good 2.00 Grant, Charles L. Ascension 1977 good 1.00 Green, Joseph Conscience Interplanetary 1974 fair 1.00 Green, Roland Peace Company 1985 good 2.00 Greenfield, Irving A. The Waters of Death 1967 fair .50 Hamilton, Edmond The Comet Kings 1942 fair Popular Library reprint 1.00 Harrison, Harry The Stainless Steel 1995 good 2.00 Rat Sings the Blues Hartmann, William K. Mars Underground 1997 exclnt 2.00 Hemry, John G. Starks Command 2001 exclnt 2.00