Used Books Page 13 of 18

A-AN | B-BI | BO-BU | C-CO | CO-DR | DU-GE | GO-HE | HE-KE | KE-Mc | Mc-NA | NI-PO | PO-RE | RE-SH | SH-SO | ST-TR | TU-VA | VA-WI | WI-ZE


Author/Title			year	condition	comments		Price

Reichert, Mickey Zucker
  Dragonrank Master		1989	good		Bifrost Guardians 3	1.00
  By Chaos Cursed		1991	exclnt		Bifrost Guardians 5	1.00
Resnick, Mike
  Santiago			1986	good					2.00
  The Widowmaker		1996	good					2.00 --|
  The Widowmaker Reborn		1997	exclnt					2.00  5.00
  The Widowmaker Unleashed	1998	exclnt					2.00 --|
Roberts, John Maddox
  Space Angel			1979	fair
  The Cingulum			1985	exclnt					1.00
  Cloak of Illusion		1985	exclnt					2.00
  The Sword, The Jewel		1988	exclnt					2.00
     and the Mirror
Roberts, John Maddox and Kotani, Eric
  The Island Worlds		1987	good					1.00
  Between the Stars		1988	good					1.00
Rohan, Michael Scott
  Chase the Morning		1992	good					2.00 --|
  Cloud Castles			1993	exclnt					2.00  5.00
  The Gates of Noon		1992	exclnt					2.00 --|
Rosenberg, Joel
  Emile and the Dutchman	1985	good					1.00
Russell, Eric Frank
  The Space Willies/		1958	poor		Ace Double
    Six Worlds Yonder
  The Great Explosion		1993	good					2.00
Sawyer, Robert J.
  Starplex			1996	exclnt		(2)			2.00
Shaw, Bob
  Orbitsville			1975	good					2.00 --|
  The Ceres Solution		1982	good					2.00  5.00
  Orbitsville Departure		1983	good					2.00 --|
Sheckley, Robert
  Dimension of Miracles	 	1979	fair					1.00
Sheffield, Charles
  Mind Pool			1993	exclnt					2.00
Sheffielf, Charles and Pournelle, Jerry
  Higher Education		1997	exclnt					2.00

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